Hi, I'd Like to introduce myself, my name is Adam Hawke, I would like to bring you into a world that seems invisible to most but is the reality for many. I live in Downtown Los Angeles in a very crummy hotel. Most people drive thru my neighborhood, and don't really care for it, and want to get the hell out of it. However, you need to remember people live there. Who am I? I am Adam Hawke, my email address is
adamhawke000@yahoo.com. I currently live on SSI, which not proud to say. I currently pay 295 dollars a month for rent. Which is pretty cheap when you compare rents in Los Angeles as a whole. Any way,this blog is to bring attention to the world of "skid row" particularly in Downtown L.A., California. Last night I heard a lady screaming at about 4:20 a.m. she was screaming about her stuff, the sounds were up and down for about 10 minutes. She sounded pretty graceful, but she was told to be quiet by several people in our building, as well as next door. Everyday, I am going to bring you a little story of the life on "skid row" that I seen in past and previous times as well as currently within the past week. My daddy used to say "get in, sit down, and shut up." Well buckle up this ride is going to be very bumpy. Have a good day, bye.

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