Thursday, January 31, 2008

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Downtown Los Angeles Intro to the TRuth 1-30

Hello all. Well I found out what happened the lady who was 'supposed' to drop off the check for me to cash. Well She decided to keep the money for herself. So needless to say that is life. Que sera sera. But anyway, this building situation is confusing, but I am not worrying about it anymore. I don't think SRO housing corporation is going to give us any money for moving. I think they are going to let us stay. They would have to shell out anywhere from 9000 to 17000 dollars for a re-location move. Don't know why? Oh well like I said that is life. Anyway talk to you later. by. and and and and

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Downtown Los Angeles Intro to the truth 1-29

Hello all. Kind of saddened today. Why? Well I was supposed to make 150 dollars today, and the lady flaked. It looks kind of shady anyway. You see she wants me to cash some checks for her, however, there are issues there. Why doesn't she cash them? Why is she asking me to cash them and paying me so much to do so? Things like that. So it looks like I am done with that. She keeps saying she will show up and she doesn't. My friends are telling me that it is kind of suspicious. I agree. So the days of cashing her checks are done. I think. 150 dollars is tempting, however, she keeps wish-washing the issue. I am skeptical because I have never met this woman ever. Yet she wants me to keep cashing these checks. Confusing I know? Could anyone on the internet give me some insight on this issue? by and and and and by

Monday, January 28, 2008

Downtown Los Angeles Intro to the truth 1-28

Hello all. Well no notices have been put in our boxes at all concerning the 'move'. Not worried about it but would like to see some action here soon. However, no matter. Longer we are in the building the more will get paid. Anyway, some good news, my friend might be getting a job at the Los Angeles mission. If he gets it, he can get General Relief and still receive his income and food stamps. That will keep him from muching from me then. It is getting on my last nerve on what he is doing. He is like a hungry puppy that follows you around. And this chick flaked on me giving me some work today. A little upset about. Here is the backward logic of the Department of public Social services in the County of Los Angeles. If you don't work for 2 weeks you are eligible for General Relief in Los Angeles County. However, if you work at all in that 2 week period , you are not eligible for General Relief at all. However, if you receive General Relief and make 600 dollars or less from a job you will still be eligible for General Relief. After 600 dollars they start to cut down your General Relief. To me that is backward logic. Well welcome to the Government. and and and and

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Downtown Los Angeles Intro to the truth 1-27

Hello all. No word on if Sro will pay people to move out this week. Not sure still. Man, this rain is bad out here. The weather people have forecasted rain until next week. Well you get what you pray for. People prayed for rain and it is coming down. However, there are little breaks in the rain here and there. In Downtown Los Angeles, it is real quiet right now. Not alot of crackheads out right now. I think people in our hotel want their money, I don't think SRO wants to pay it out. It is looking like they do not want too. I have heard we could get as much as 20000 dollars. I think that is exaggerated, however, it is possible. Anyway, Happy Sunday. and and and and

Friday, January 25, 2008

Downtown Los Angeles Intro to the truth 1-25

Well there are alot of homeless people here in the Los Angeles Public library. It is cold and damp outside. Once again it shows you no one cares for the poor of the City of Los Angeles. Something you don't hear about in the newspapers. Monday we should receive a notice on what is going on our building. Nothing else really to report. The streets in my area of Downtown Los Angeles are looking really really clean. Stay dry. Wherever you are. and and and and

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Downtown Los Angeles Intro to the truth 1-24

Hello all. I was stupid again, I loaned some supposedly 'hard-case' person in my hotel money again. He now says "I will pay you something", before it was "I will pay everything to you today". You know I am not prejudice towards black people, but anytime I give them a chance they drop the ball. I am done 'no one is getting any money' from me. I will answer my door rarely. I am so mad right now. I hope he falls off of the planet and dies. I have no more compassion for people. Fuck them. by. and and and by

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Downtown Los Angeles intro to the truth 1-20

Hello all. Check this out. I was watching 'eye on Los Angeles' here in Los angeles last night. No mention of the lofts that are not selling. All they kept talking about were these celebrities who give of their time to charity work. How stupid? However, they want the government to give out all of the money to this work. They ask others for money, but don't want to donate all of their money themselves. Question? Bill Clinton wrote a book called 'giving'. Why doesn't Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton give up all of their millions of dollars that they have in the bank if they really believe in 'Giving'. Because they want everyone else to give of their money and they don't want to get out of their 'comfort zone' just a thought. Anyway email me at and and and and and by

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Downtown Los Angeles Intro to the truth 1-17

Hello all. Well still no word on when the SRO housing corporation will be paying us. Still believe in progress, the lofts in DowntowN LOs angeles are still not selling. Interesting isn't it. Maybe because of all of the high taxes associated with Los Angeles. I don't feel sorry for them at all. Now there is no word from the people about the Downtown Los Angeles lofts. I have a great ask the City of Los Angeles Mayor for the money. Oh the city of Los Angeles is in severe debt. I forget, maybe the reason these lofts are not selling is because of the heavy taxation and as a result more jobs leaving and going overseas, as well as as elsewhere. You see other cities offer 'financial perks' for going into their towns. Los Angeles offers no perks, except a name, and names wear off real quick. I hope Los Angeles melts down into nothing I hope all of the jobs leave here. and and and

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Downtown Los angeles Intro to the truth 1-15

Hello all. Still no word on the state of the building, I guess the City of Los Angeles and the State of California are battling it out. Don't care California and Los Angeles are socialist centers anyway. I will keep you posted on this as it comes about. by. and and and

Monday, January 14, 2008

Downtown Los Angeles intro to the truth 1-14

Hello all. Well shut my mouth. The building has been sold to SRO. Now the city of Los Angeles and the State of California are ironing out the differences on what to pay the people in the Downtown Los Angeles hotel. I have heard something from 3000 to 14000 dollars. Depending on how long you have lived in the Downtown Los Angeles hotel. I obviously hope for 14000 but I doubt that will happen. Anyway that is all. and and and and and by

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Downtown Los Angeles Intro to the truth 1-13

Well this is weird I have heard the building has already been sold to SRO. Until I hear some other news. I won't believe it. Call me a pessisimist. Not worried about it. The inspection was not the Los Angeles Fire Department it was the new 'owners' supposedly. If this is true. Hey pay me now. You know what I mean. Anyway, enjoy the rest of your Sunday. By. and and and by

Friday, January 11, 2008

Downtown Los Angeles intro to the truth

SRo is inspecting the building today. I thought it was the fire inspector at least that is what I thought it was. Anyway, see what I got for the wrong conclusion. Never presume anything or make pre-judgments. Anyway, by and and and and

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Downtown Los Angeles Intro to the truth 1-10

Hello all. Well it is here upon us. The dreaded inspection. We received word yesterday that the inspectors will be inspecting tomorrow on the 11th. I am sick of these inspectors. I wish they would just go away. Then again I will get a check for a few thousand dollars when they sell the building. I am conficted. Money always solves conflicts so there goes that theory. Anyway that is all for today. and and and and

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Downtown Los Angeles Intro to the truth 1-9

Well another day. Check this out, nothing new today. Something interesting though. The air here is cleaner after the rain. I have a dude in my building who is addicted to gambling. He really has a problem. He keeps trying to borrow money from me. Like I have any of that right now. I am done I don't loan any money to anyone in my building anymore. Anyway, talk to you later. and and and and

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Downtown Los Angeles Intro to the truth 1-08

Well it is official I am off of SSI. You know what sucks is the tact they used in telling me. No letters. No nothing just cut me off. Anyway, something that sucks about Downtown Los Angeles is when they are filming a movie. They do not tell people where the buses are being rerouted to. You would think they could at least do that. Anyway, I have got to admit, they are building alot of lofts in Downtown Los Angeles, especially on the other side of town. Isn't it amazing. Only in America, one side of town you can have people middle-class, maybe even well to do. Then you have my side of town. Where no one wants to live. Everyone just drives through as quickly as possible. Well that is all. and and and and

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Downtown Los Angeles Intro to the truth 1-06

Hello all. Well check this out. It rained and it poured in Downtown Los Angeles, the streets are looking a little cleaner these days. At this time, I say I feel really sad for the homeless of Downtown Los Angeles. You know, what blows me away though. How I can see a guy sleeping on the street and piss poor and he has a radio louder than mine. I see that all over downtown Skid row in Los Angeles. Seriously thank the Lord for your blessings. It is a really odd time for everyone in Downtown Los Angeles. It is kind of sad. The reality is though you need a place to dump the homeless and the people no one wants to see. It is like that in all kinds of cities across the country. Instead of caring for people we want to get rid of them. How sad. I will say it again, I feel sorry for the United States, and its state, it is really tragic how this country will be Judged by God. Anyway, by, and and

Friday, January 4, 2008

Downtown Los Angeles Intro to the truth 1-04

Hello all. Well they say it will rain in Los Angeles here pretty hard. I hope so. The streets in Downtown Los Angeles are pretty dirty. Some of the people in the building have paid me off. There is still the diesel dork named 'Ghost' who claims to be a christian, who is a putz. He gets mad at me for saying that he owes me money. Imagine that. Anyway, hope all of you have a happy New Year. and and and and .

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Downtown Los Angeles Intro to the truth 1-03

Hello all. Well the people in our buildings have not received their SSI and other government checks. They were supposed to come Monday, as you can tell. Some people are panicking. You know, I have been looking at Downtown Los Angeles, and how they are remodeling it. They are trying to make it inot Manhatten as well as New York City. Imagine this. I was watching "Eye on L.A." on ABC. They did a story of the building back of Downtown Los Angeles with broadway shows. This is the reason they want lofts in Downtown Los Angeles. It won't work. People don't want to live in a 'Glorified Studio'. That is all a loft is. Well another day. and and and and by

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Downtown Los Angeles Intro to the truth 1-02-08

Hello all. Long time no hear. Anyway, still no word on when the new owners are taking over the building. Not too much to report here today. Except on the library, they are screaming, because there server went down. You say "so what". Well where is the Mayor of Los Angeles? Where is all of the money going to come from for this server? don't care. However, did you know that California is one of the 10 worst states to do business in the United States. Gee I wonder why? Because of the high taxes that are here. I hope the Los Angeles economy falls apart. Anyway, that is all for today? and and