Sunday, September 30, 2007

Downtown Los Angeles Intro to the truth 9-30

Hello all. I was leaving this morning early, and I noticed something, there were alot of people today. Why for some of them It was payday yesterday, and every drug dealer is out to sell there usual amount of dope to dopes. Be thankful that you are not on drugs (if you are not on them) I have seen the effects of drugs firsthand. They aren't pretty. There is someone in my building who is now saying they are going to buy a cadillac. Well when those payments come in he better have the money to pay them. Otherwise say "bye bye" to the cadillac in Downtown Los ANgeles. The tow truck come and take it away in downtown LOs angeles. Not too much to report today. Well email me at and and and by

Friday, September 28, 2007

Downtown Los Angeles Intro to the truth 9-28

Hello all. Something interesting happened to me last night, a dude asked me for some change, but the way he approached me was so off. He runs to me with one hand behind his back. I said to him, "let me see your other hand" then he showed me that nothing was there. If you are going to ask for change do not ask with one hand behind your back. Anyway, I have become sloppy. I need to be more aware of my surroundings. Life has learning lessons with it, and one of them is 'always be aware of your surroundings'. Sometimes I think that I have a sign that says 'rob me please'. My friend Glen blessed me with the knowledge of how to fight. Thank God. In Downtown Los Angeles at night it is very dangerous. Drug dealers and transvestities walk up and down the street. Check this out there is a dude who is a smart pimp. He drives around in his car, and has a disabled placard on his car, so it never gets ticketed. He makes money off of other people's misery. In that part of Downtown Los ANgeles it is like that all the time. If I am not careful some guy might try that with me. I can not tell you how many times guys have tried to ask me some of the oddest questions. One time I was walking and this guy kept trying to hale me down, he did 3 or 4 times. I am not that dumb, the way of the streets is cold, never forget that. Don't touch drugs, or alcohol, it will lead you down the wrong path. Amen. Email me at Http:// and and and and by

Thursday, September 27, 2007

downtown Los Angeles Intro to the truth 9-27

Hello all. THe pastor in our building doesn't believe they will sell the building anytime soon Don't know if that is true right now, however, I tend to believe him. Maybe it will sold next year or whatever. Life is too short to worry about that stuff. I kind of liked it when he said that to us. In our building downstairs they have a church that rents a space out. Pastor Ken is a real nice guy. It is a baptist church. Nothing else really to report. Talk to you later. Email me at and and and and

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Downtown LOs Angeles Intro to the truth 9-26

Hello all. Politicians in Los Angeles are dirty. Let me explain. I just learned that Richard Riordan (a former mayor of Los Angeles) owns waste management (a very large garbage disposal company here in California). Anyway do you think that he used some of his power and influence to get that company started. I think so. He by the way didn't do anything for Los Angeles when he was mayor. Politics are diry. He never did anything for Skid Row except pass it by when he was in office. How sad. Anyway still no word on whether the Ford Hotel in Downtown Los ANgeles has been sold yet. Well I will keep you posted. by. Email me at Http:// and and and and by

Monday, September 24, 2007

Downtown Los Angeles Intro to the truth 9-24

Hello all. It is pretty quiet in my building. I am going to talk to you about the power of God. I have been so blessed by Jesus Christ (my Lord and Saviour). How you ask? Well check this out. When I moved into the Ford Hotel in Downtown Los Angeles a couple of years ago. I was mad and angry, and God blessed me. How? Well He taught me the knowledge that I would need to do my new tax business. I literally right now can save someone on their taxes 60-70% on their taxes. Now since I have been blessed with this knowledge, I can bless and help other americans struggling with higher taxes. My goal to bankrupt the United States (financially and legally) of course. So pray for me that this would take off. Things like this happen for a reason. God placed me here so I could learn this tax information, and now it is finalized. Whatever you do do not give up on your dreams and aspirations. Just go for it. Thank you Jesus for this. email me at and and and and stay alert on the social issues.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Downtown Los Angeles Intro to the truth

Hello all. Something interesting I am noticing about where I live. Is has become real quiet. There is some good news to SRO housing. It keeps people in control after all, if you are on 50 dollars a month rent (the government subsidies the rest) you will behave anyway they want you to0. In my building they behave like animals. I am not a psychology major or anything like that, but why is it that people would go to the bathroom all over the toilet seat. It is one thing to live where I live, but you can live there with some respect for yourself. Don't dukey all over the toilet. It is called 'common courtesy'. Well email me at and Http:// and and and by.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

downtown Los Angeles Intro to the truth

Smart move by the Mayor of Los Angeles. You see if these lofts and other construction projects go through then guess what will happen. His approval ratings will go up. Also he will be able to say "I cleaned up Skid Row in Los Angeles". How interesting is that. Then when he runs for Governor of California in 2010, he will be able to say all of the wonderful things he did in Los Angeles as Mayor. Yet he sacrifices people going out into the street to do it. Politics are all the same. Hear me and hear me well, you get what you vote for. He doesn't care about the poor of Los Angeles, but only for his own career. Well that is all for today. and and and and by.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Downtown Los Angeles Intro to the truth 9-18

Hello all. I recently saw the pregnant girl who got beat up, she isn't so excited anymore. She seems to be a little bit quieter these days. Pride is a dangerous thing. Stay humble and usable by God. By. Email me at Http:// and and and and by.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Downtown Los Angeles Intro to the truth

Hello all. Yesterday I saw a young lady being beaten up. I thought about something though. No one tried to help her. We live in a sad world. The irony here is she is pregnant, and she is probaly on drugs. How sad of a world we live in. She is pregnant, (where is the father by the way) and living in a bad part of Downtown Los Angeles to top it off. People have a free will, and I was thinking as I was walking through Downtown Los Angeles today, how many of those people will still be in there situation 5 years from now. Listen to me, people, have goals, and stick to them no matter what. I have a goal of getting out of the hotel in Downtown Los Angeles soon hopefully. And hopefully living in a better area. But I have to follow through on it, which is sometimes difficult to do. Never give up. Never surrender to the things of this world. Email me at and and and by.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Downtown Los Angeles Intro to the truth 9-16

Hello. I saw the saddest site I could have seen today. A lady who was pregnanet was getting beat up. My guess is it was a 'deal gone bad'. Still to hurt a pregnant women. Is this what our society has stooped to. People were just standing there and not doing anything for her. THen the girl did something really stupid she decided she was going to chase the dude who beat her up. But he is talller than her and stronger, she did have someone restraining her from going after him after that. How sad our society is. Remember there are consequences to sins that you commit. Well try to have a good day today. Http:// and and and HttP:// or .org by

Friday, September 14, 2007

Downtown Los angeles Intro to the truth

Hello. Not much too report today. The dude who was hospitalized with the heavy legs and was legally "patient dumped" is still not back from the hospital. I do wonder how many people were legally 'patient dumped' by the Los Angeles county healthcare system. Well too many too say. A couple of days ago, I saw an interesting site. 6 LAPD officers were arresting one guy, and he was strung out on something. I wonder why it takes 6 LAPD officers to arrest one person. He was in handcuffs already, and they could not just put him in the car. Bureuacracy stinks. Another thing about where I live in Downtown Los Angeles is the fact some of the people don't have a pot to piss in, and they have some of the loudest stereos I have ever heard. The biggest thing to this neighborhood in DOwntown Los Angeles is the fact you walk into the liquor stores and they are so high in price on stuff. I went into a Los Angeles liquor store in my area, and I thought I was in BEverly hills man. They wanted 2 dollars for a stick of butter. One thing I notice about koreans they do not obey the rules. The sticks of butter are not for indivudial sale, but they sell them. They sell other things which are not supposed to be sold indivudially, but they do. I think they look at your skin color, and make up the price on everything. They say "you have 10 dollars in your hand, that is 2 dollars when it is normally 1.50 dollars" Well that is it for today. Email me at and Http:// and and and or .com by

Thursday, September 13, 2007

DOwntown Los Angeles Intro to the truth

Hello all. Well in my building in Downtown Los Angeles they handed out eviction notices to some people. They are trying to purge the building of more people so they don't have to pay out too much to the people who live there. This is deceitful and wrong, but it is legal. Well, you see all of the construction going on around Downtown Los Angeles, it is only a matter of time before they decide to pounce on our hotel. Well that is all for today. Http:// and and and and or .com well by.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Downtown Los Angeles Intro to the truth 9-12

Hello all. I saw an interesting thing today. There was a dude screaming at the cops, and I don't know what it was. But he was being arrested for (I don't know what) . Anyway I just want to reflect on what happens in our neighborhood. The hospitals like to "dump" the mentally ill patients down into our area. There is massive drug use and homosexuality that goes on down there. The homosexuals dress up like women and many of them believe they are women. Also you can't walk down the street anytime at night after 10pm, why, because you see drug dealers on every corner. Massive amounts of prostitution and other things like people pissing on the sidewalk for no apparnet reason. Folks, this is life in my area. Instead of ignoring the problem and turning a blind eye to it, put yourself into that situation for a moment. Be thankful and remember that could be me or you screaming and being taken away into a police car. This dude was fried on something and it was sad. My question is why is he out in the first place, after all he shouldn't be out in public like that. Well be thankful for your blessings. Http:// and and and and by.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Downtown Los Angeles Intro to the truth 9-11

Well just another day in paradise. Alot of people in our building are going to be evicted here pretty soon for not paying their rent. What amazes me in my building in Downtown Los Angeles is one thing. Dependency. Let me explain. Everyone in our building is dependent so much on government assistance. You see the State of California sends out a renters rebate to people of low-income levels. It amazes how no one in the Los Angeles Ford Hotel has any goals. There whole life is dependent on government income. If you are on government assistance don't let it be. Work hard now so you are not dependent on government income. Not just for yourself but for your family PLEase. Don't be like Downtown Los Angeles folks on skid row. Get out and work hard. Email me at Http:// and Http:// and and and BYe.

Monday, September 10, 2007

downtown Los Angeles 9-10 Intro to the truth

Hello all. Still no word on the hotel being sold or not. Today I was noticing something. I noticed the ground where I live is very dirty, it is almost as if the City of Los Angeles doesn't care about it. How sad. If I get a chance to leave Los Angeles I will. It is overcrowded, and traffic is horrible, and it is expensive to live in. I am thankful for where I am right now. God teaches us lessons in his way and his timing. I have a tooth that might need to be pulled, I am thankful I have insurance for such a thing. There is a homeless lady who lives near my hotel in Los Angeles, and she thinks of life down there as a party, how sad. That will not be me. Be thankful for where you are at, and don't complain, learn your lessons well. Well gotta go. Email me at Http:// and and and and by

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Downtown Los Angeles Intro to the truth

Hello all. Still no word on whether or not the building has been sold. That is always good news. Quiet day yesterday. One thing I can tell you about that building it is substandard. The electrical is old, the water heater (which costs 40000 dollars to replace) is going out, the heater in the rooms right now need repair. The only solution is to gut it and make something beautifiul out of it. I am thankful though it is better than being homeless and being a drug addict on the streets. I was watching them during this recent heat wave. Man do they lead a rough life. In the bible it says "the way of the transgessor is hard" it is tough to be a drug addict, no one cares about you. In our area, the prices seem to be like those of BEverly Hills, I am not kidding. They charge alot in those tiny liquor stores for everything that they can. Another day in Los Angeles. Anyway have a good day. Email me at Http:// and Http://
and Http:// and by.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Downtown Los Angeles Intro to the truth 9-5

Hello all. Well it is another hot day here in Los Angeles, and guess what happened, a dude at the market down the street was shot along with 2 other people. I still don't know their condition. Also, the hotel may been sold already. This is according to a downtown Los Angeles news story. Here is the irony to this story they are selling the building, and kicking people out to go wherever. To put a bunch of homeless people into the buildings where we are. So the City of Los Angeles says we are kicking you people out to put a bunch of drug addicts into these buildings. This is weird 'let's make people destitute' in order to put a bunch of destitute people into these buildings. Well, this is kind of a weird type of logic. Email me. and and and and by. Let me hear your input.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Downtown Los angeles Intro to the truth 9-2

Hello. It is hot and humid here in Southern California. I sometimes still think about the potential sale of the building, I keep hearing rumors that they have or have not sold it. Either way I don't care. Anyway this Labor Day weekend remember and be thankful of where you live, and what you have. I have to remember that sometimes. It isn't always easy but try to. Have a safe and blessed Labor day. by. Http:// and Http:// and and and Http:// by. Ps our building will not pass inspection it has too many problems with it. There is some good news there. Well by.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

downtown Los Angeles 9-1 more legal 'patient dumping'

Hello. Check this out they dumped legally a patient that should have been in the hospital his legs are swollen are swelled and smell really bad. Yet the Los Angeles county health care system dumped him right back into our hotel with no wheelchair, and no in-home nurse. He needs more help, and he cannot get it. Hooray. (just kidding) this sad and pethick. You know first they say live here, now they do not want to provide for those down there that need help. We are living in a backward society. Well email me at and and and and Http:// by