Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Downtown Los Angeles Intro to the truth 9-12

Hello all. I saw an interesting thing today. There was a dude screaming at the cops, and I don't know what it was. But he was being arrested for (I don't know what) . Anyway I just want to reflect on what happens in our neighborhood. The hospitals like to "dump" the mentally ill patients down into our area. There is massive drug use and homosexuality that goes on down there. The homosexuals dress up like women and many of them believe they are women. Also you can't walk down the street anytime at night after 10pm, why, because you see drug dealers on every corner. Massive amounts of prostitution and other things like people pissing on the sidewalk for no apparnet reason. Folks, this is life in my area. Instead of ignoring the problem and turning a blind eye to it, put yourself into that situation for a moment. Be thankful and remember that could be me or you screaming and being taken away into a police car. This dude was fried on something and it was sad. My question is why is he out in the first place, after all he shouldn't be out in public like that. Well be thankful for your blessings. Http:// and and and and by.

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