Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Downtown Los Angeles Intro to the truth 11-20

Hello all. Have a safe and happy thanksgiving to all. In Downtown Los Angeles, they will have all thanksgiving dinner for all of the homeless. Here is what I call stupidity at its best. You say why? Here the Mayor of Los Angeles and some actors show up to say "let's do a good thing and feed the homeless", while the Mayor continues to put the homeless into a small shoe box of an area. It would be better for the Mayor to say "screw the homeless" then to be a hypocrite, and say "let's help them". Once I heard and actor say"well my plans got cancelled", because his plans got cancelled he decided to feed the homeless. That is stupid. He is basically saying "I had nothing better to do", so I will feed the homeless. Remember the Hypocrites at this time of year. The rest of the year we ignore the homeless and put them down, this time of year we say "oh let's help them". Well email me at www.LATRAVELYTB.com and www.adamhawke000@Yahoo.com and www.frc.org and www.citizenlink.org and www.americancongressfortruth.com and www.microsoft.com by.

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