Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Downtown Los Angeles Intro to the truth 11-27

Hello all. On Saturday, they had a christian event down the street from the Ford Hotel in Downtown Los Angeles. They tried to cheer the people up, but I don't think that worked. Handed out a few things like blankets, and sushi. It just doesn't look like Christmas in my neighborhood. People strung out on drugs, you know what we need in that neighborhood isn't money. It is hope. I hope and pray that someone brings that to Skid row in Downtown Los Angeles. You see in my neighborhood in Downtown Los Angeles, everyone preaches Jesus. Then they go home, and people mistreat the people down there in Skid row Los Angeles. Well talk to you later. By www.LATRAVELYTB.com and www.frc.org and www.microsoft.com and www.americancongressfortruth.com and www.adamhawke000@yahoo.com

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